Spooky bento, part one!


Friday’s bento featured teriyaki chicken (the recipe for which I’ll be posting shortly) and something indicative of the season:


A carrot bat!

At least once a week, until Halloween, I will be creating a bento that somehow incorporates the spooky spirit of the season. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday, and I thought that it deserved a little more attention from me this year.


So, what else have I got? Well, there’s the miso rice, the steamed veggies, and the teeny tiny peach cobbler. The miso rice is my way of using up shiro miso soup mix that I can’t really use for soup. I don’t care for shiro miso soup, but it’s great mixed into fresh rice!


The vegetables (carrot, peas, broccoli) were steamed by placing them in a covered bowl, on top of a wet paper towel, and nuking them for about a minute. It made the broccoli such an awesome green!


  1. I like that steaming method! I’ll have to try it. Also: batcarrot!

  2. Miso rice? What a great idea. I have two packages of miso (barley and white) sitting in my icebox, bored out of their little vegetative minds.

    Miso is also tasty stirred into cooked vegetables. Don’t bother diluting with water – just stir it all together with a little chive or green onion. Try it on bell pepper simmered with mirin, or corn kernels.

  3. I’ve been wondering how I can use some miso! I don’t have any but I’d like to start trying, hehe. Thanks!

    BTW, did you make the mini cobbler in the muffin liner? I’m not big on adding sweets to my bento (cuz I’m trying to lose weight, and I’m not a big sweets person) but that sounds like a really cool way to make lil desserts and maybe, when I start (if ever, haha… if he’s good) making bento for the BF that I can plump him up some and get him really interested! Thanks!

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